TMJ Concepts Joint Replacement

During TMJ replacement (which is also called TMJ Arthroplasty), your surgeon removes the damaged surfaces of one or both affected joints while also taking the round or ball portion of the jaw joint. One option is to replace this area with a patient-fitted metal and plastic two-piece component, referred to as the prosthesis or implant. The rounded polished Cobalt Chromium at the top of the mandible component meets at the plastic of the Glenoid Fossa component. This prosthesis pair helps to act as a natural Temporomandibular joint. The TMJ Concepts implant is designed to specifics, based on your anatomy to replace the function of a healthy joint.*

* There is a non customized offering in the U.S.

Questions to ask your doctor
  1. TMJ Concepts Sterile Implant IFU
  2. TMJ Patient Brochure
Important information

Potential risks of the procedure

Adverse events include worsening of TMJ symptoms, operative difficulties, chronic or reoccuring swelling, jaw muscle spasms, temporary and/or permanent facial muscle weakness, temporary and/or permanent numbness, temporary and/or permanent hearing loss, dental malocclusion, dislocation of implant components, resorption of the glenoid fossa or mandible, perforation or dehiscence of surrounding tissue, allergic reaction, post-operative pain, swelling, bruising, jaw muscle spasm, hematoma formation, and nerve pain.

Please see Instructions for Use (IFU) for a complete listing of warnings, precautions, and adverse events. 1, 2

More information


The information presented is for educational purposes only. Stryker is not dispensing medical advice. Please speak to your doctor to decide what course of treatment is right for you. Only your doctor can make the medical judgement regarding which products and treatments are right for you. Any medical procedure carries certain risks, and your doctor will explain all possible complications and/or side effects. Not all patients will experience the same results.

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